Retrieve Metadata

If you are working with your own dataset, then you can skip this step. Go to Organise Metadata to add your own fields.

Locate Metadata

Locate where the metadata is stored. Generally, there will be a section in published papers that describes the location of datasets and associated metadata.

Under Related Information, select SRA to open up the Sequence Read Archive of the associated BioProject.

Send Results to Run Selector

Under Summary, select 'Send results to Run selector'.

Locate the Runs

Scroll down to see the SRA runs from the BioProject. You can download all the run metadata by selecting Metadata in the 'Total' row.

For this demonstration, we will download a subset of metadata that matches the run files we just downloaded from the 'Selected' row.

Select Runs

Select the 20 runs from the example subset. For a reminder, below is the accession list.

Download Metadata

Using our subset of 20 runs, download the metadata by choosing 'Selected' and pressing the 'Metadata' button.

Locate the Downloaded Metadata

A file called sraruntable.txt will be saved in your Downloads folder. I renamed this to subset_metadata.csv for clarity and functionality.

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