Single Upload

FASTA upload

Upload your FASTA file sample

Upload your sample’s sequence file by dragging it into the ‘Upload’ box or by clicking the [+] icon and navigating to the directory of your sequences for upload.

Proceed with upload

After your file has been uploaded, you can proceed with processing each sample by selecting the blue ‘Upload’ box.

EzBioCloud takes it from here

EzBioCloud's 16S Identification tool will search its 16S database for the closest matches to your sample.

The status bar will indicate when your sample report is ready in no time.

Once your sample has been processed, it will remain under your 16S Identification list.

Text upload

Upload your text format sample

Alternatively, you can directly upload the sequence text by selecting ‘Upload in text’ format and inserting the sequence.

Copy and paste the 16S rRNA text into the 'Sequence...' box and select the blue 'Next' box.

Proceed with upload

After the 16S rRNA text has been uploaded, you can proceed with processing the sample by selecting the blue ‘Upload’ box.

EzBioCloud takes it from here

EzBioCloud's 16S Identification tool will search its 16S database for the closest matches to your sample.

Once your sample has been processed, it will remain under your 16S Identification list.

Select the PDF option under the ‘Report’ column for an in-depth analysis of your sample. This includes species identification, coverage, top hits (matches), and a phylogenetic tree.

Last updated


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